Updating the Installation Profile

Using the existing installer, it is possible to update a “live” Providence configuration of CollectiveAccess with additions or changes to the profile configuration using a partial, or “mini,” profile. As of CollectiveAccess Version 1.5, an existing configuration can be updated with the mini profile, incorporating the needed additions.

In previous versions of CollectiveAccess, if a profile was reinstalled, the instance of Providence would be entirely overwritten with the new profile. Currently, this function is only accessible via the command line, in CaUtils.

update-installation-profile: Updates the installation profile to match a supplied profile name. This function only creates new values and is useful for appending changes from one profile onto another.

The new profile must exist in a directory that contains the profile.xsd schema and must validate against that schema in order for the update to apply successfully. The directory must also contain base.xml, or whichever base profile is in use.

Options for update-installation-profile:



–profile-name (-n)

Name of the profile to install (filename in profiles directory, minus the .xml extension)

–profile-directory (-p)

Directory to get profile. This directory must contain the profile.xsd schema so that the installer can validate the installtion profile

–debug (-d)

Debug flag for installer

–quiet (-q)

Suppress progress messages

–skip-roles (-s)

Skip Roles. Default is false, but if you have many roles and access control enabled, then install may take some time