Access Restrictions Configuration: access_restrictions.conf

CollectiveAccess uses a Model-View-Controller structure that allows one to restrict access to each navigation module, controller or even controller action. Those restrictions are defined in access_restrictions.conf. The access_restrictions.conf configuration file is part of this structure

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The beginning of the file features a key that allows you to disable all module, controller, or action-based access control. To not enforce access restrictions, set the following to zero. To enforce access restrictions, set to 1.

: enforce_access_restrictions = 1

The second directive in this file is a big array named “access_restrictions”. It consists of an arbitrary number of module, controller, and action-based access restrictions. The key of each array element is either a path to a controller group (“module”) in app/controllers, or a path to a controller in a controller group:

Path to controller group (module): administrate/setup

Path to controller in a controller group: administrate/setup/RelationshipTypesController

The key can even feature an action (method) of a particular controller, as follows:


Rules and Arrays

A user must pass all applicable restriction checks before access to an action is granted. Each array element (indexed by module/controller/action) can consist of an arbitrary number of access rules. These rules are arrays describing the group of users that are allowed to access the subject. Each rule may consist of the following keys:





A list of user actions as defined in the user_actions.conf configuration file

An empty list


Boolean operator that is used to connect the actions. AND means a user has to have a role with all listed actions; OR means having one of the listed actions is sufficient for access. Can be left empty (defaults to AND).



An optional array that describes parameter values that must be valid before this rule is applied (otherwise it is simply ignored). This is useful if you want to distinguish between editing existing records and the creation of new ones. In this case you would have two rules: One that applies if the primary key value passed does not equal zero (i.e. the user is editing an existing value) and another one that applies only if the value is zero (i.e. a new record is created). For the exact format of the array please have a look at the example below. Note that we have to know the type of the parameter in advance to perform all checks correctly. You can also set the name of the parameter to type and set the value to a type code/idno (i.e. ca_list_items.idno). The rule then only applied if the subject has the given type. Please have a look at the last example below if you plan to use this feature.

An empty array

Example Rules

The following example uses most of the features described above:

editor/objects/ObjectEditorController/Save = {
             create = {
                     parameters = {
                             object_id = {
                                     value = 0,
                                     type = int
                     actions = { can_create_ca_objects }
             edit = {
                     parameters = {
                             object_id = {
                                     value = !0,
                                     type = int
                     actions = { can_edit_ca_objects }

This rule restricts access to the “Save” action of the “ObjectEditorController” in the “editor/objects” module. It features two access rules:

  1. Only applies if the parameter “object_id” equals zero. In this case only users that have a role with the user action “can_create_ca_objects” are allowed to perform this action.

  2. Enforced if the parameter doesn’t equal zero. In that case a user is trying to save changes to an existing object, and has to be able to perform the action “can_edit_ca_objects”. Note that the “operator” directive is omitted in both rules. Since the action lists consist of only 1 item, it doesn’t matter if they’re connected via AND or OR.

Below is another example that makes use of the “operator” key:

editor/occurrences/OccurrenceEditorController/Edit = {
             edit_delete = {
                     parameters = {
                             item_id = {
                                     value = !0,
                                     type = int
                     operator = OR,
                     actions = { can_edit_ca_occurrences, can_delete_ca_occurrences }
             create = {
                     parameters = {
                             item_id = {
                                     value = 0,
                                     type = int
                     actions = { can_create_ca_occurrences }

The following example makes use of the type parameter. The usage of this is especially useful in combination with the automatic action expansion feature in User_Actions_Configuration.

editor/objects/ObjectEditorController/Save = {
             photography_create = {
                     parameters = {
                             object_id = {
                                     value = 0,
                                     type = int
                             type = photography
                     actions = { }
             document_create = {
                     parameters = {
                             object_id = {
                                     value = 0,
                                     type = int
                             type = document
                     actions = { can_create_ca_objects_type:ca_objects.document }
             photography_edit = {
                     parameters = {
                             object_id = {
                                     value = !0,
                                     type = int
                             type = photography
                     actions = { }
             document_edit = {
                     parameters = {
                             object_id = {
                                     value = !0,
                                     type = int
                             type = document
                     actions = { can_edit_ca_objects_type:ca_objects.document }