User interface settings

Relationship bundles

Relationship bundles provide a user interface for managing relationships between records. A range of functionality is provided and can be controlled using the settings described below. Many settings are shared across all relationship bundles, but some are only available for specific bundles.

Options available for all relationship bundles



Valid values

Version notes


Comma separated list relationship type codes to limit display of related records to.

One or more relationship type codes defined for the relevant relationship, separated by commas. Leave blank to display all related records, regardless of relationship type.


Comma separated list of related record types to limit display of related records to.

One or more related record type codes, separated by commas. Leave blank to display all related records regardless of type.


Controls whether type restrictions are automatically expanded to include sub-types. Default default expansion is performed. Set to a non-zero value to prevent expansion.



A display template used to format for display metadata from the related representation. The template is evaluated relative to the relationship (Eg. ca_objects_x_entities for object-entity relationships)


Defines which bundles may be used to interactively sort the list of related records. Any valid record or relationship intrinsic or metadata element may be specified. Separate multiple bundles with commas. Values specified here will be included in the sort menu for the bundle.


Controls whether sorting controls for related records are displayed. Set to a non-zero value to disable sorting. By default sorting controls are displayed.



Bundle to use to sort the list of related records on initial load. Omit to use the natural sort order a specified by the user via drag-and-drop.

Any valid sortable intrinsic or metadata element bundle.


The direction of the sort on initial load. Use ASC for ascending and DESC or descending. Default is ASC.



Controls whether the count of related records is shown in the bundle title bar. Default is 0 (no count). Set to a non-zero value to display the count.


Available as of version 1.8


Controls whether a delete button is show for each related record. Default is 0 (show delete button). Set to a non-zero value to remove delete buttons.



Minimum number of related records. If set to a non-zero value it will not be possible to delete relationships once the minimum is reached. If set to zero, or omitted, no minumum is enforced. Default is 0.

Any integer >= 0


Maximum number of related records. If set to a non-zero value it will not be possible to add relationships once the maximum is reached. If set to zero, or omitted, no maximum is enforced. Default is 0.

Any integer >= 0


URL pointing to documentation for this field. Leave blank if no documentation URL exists.

Bundle: ca_object_representations

The ca_object_representations bundle provides the primary interface for associating uploaded media representations with other records. For all CollectiveAccess versions functionality includes upload and preview of individual media, limited editing and display of representation metadata, drag and drop ordering, download and more.

As of CollectiveAccess version 1.8 an expanded interface is available that offers batch upload of media files, greatly expanded metadata editing and display and improved incremental loading and performance. Both the old “CLASSIC” interface and the new expanded interface (“NEW_UI”) are supported in version 1.8. In future versions support for the “CLASSIC” interface may be dropped.



Valid values

Version notes


Comma separated list relationship type codes to limit display of related representations to. This setting is not relevant when displaying representations directly related to objects, as object-representation relationships do not support relationship types.

One or more relationship type codes defined for the relevant relationship, separated by commas. Leave blank to display all related representations, regardless of relationship type.


A display template used to format for display metadata from the related representation. The template is evauated relative to the representation relationship (Eg. ca_objects_x_object_representations for object-representation relationships)

As of version 1.8 additional template tags are available, providing a range of preformatted information for representation media. See the “special placeholders” section in display template for a list of tags.


Enables the new (as of version 1.8) representation bundle, which offers batch upload and in-bundle representation metadata editing. Set to “CLASSIC” for the pre-1.8 bundle format, or “NEW_UI” for the new bundle. The default is “CLASSIC”


Available as of version 1.8


Selected intrinsics and metadata elements to allow editing on. Separate multiple bundles with commas. Bundles will be displayed for editing in a fixed order regardless of the order specified here. If a specific order of bundles is needed in the editing form, use the “showBundlesForEditingOrder” setting to order the bundles listed here.

Any valid sortable intrinsic or metadata element bundle.

Available as of version 1.8. For NEW_UI bundle format only.


List of editable intrinsics and metadata elements in order they should be displayed, separated by commas or returns. Only bundles specified in the “showBundlesForEditing” setting may be referenced here.

Any valid sortable intrinsic or metadata element bundle that is specified in “showBundlesForEditing”

Available as of version 1.8. For NEW_UI bundle format only.


Controls the number of representations initally loaded. Default is 10. Larger values may degrade performance.

Any integer > 0

Available as of version 1.8


Default effective date value for newly added representation relationships. Leave blank if you do not wish to set an effective date.

Valid date expression. Use “now” to stam with the current date/time.


Disables display of the representation preferred label in the CLASSIC bundle format when set to a non-zero value.


For CLASSIC bundle format only.


Disables display of the representation identifier in the CLASSIC bundle format when set to a non-zero value.


For CLASSIC bundle format only.


Disables display of the representation status value in the CLASSIC bundle format when set to a non-zero value.


For CLASSIC bundle format only.


Disables display of the representation access value in the CLASSIC bundle format when set to a non-zero value.


For CLASSIC bundle format only.


Disables display of the representation transcribeable flag in the CLASSIC bundle format when set to a non-zero value.


For CLASSIC bundle format only.