Mapping Options

Options allow you to set additional formatting and conditionals on data during import. Some Options are designed to actually set parameters on the mapping behavior, such as the skip options. skipGroupIfEmpty, for example, allows you to prevent the import of certain fields, depending on the presence of data in another related field. Other Options simply format data, such as formatWithTemplate, suffix, and convertNewlinesToHTML.

Full List of Mapping Options

A full list of mapping options is listed below.






Delimiter to split repeating values on.

{"delimiter": ";"}


Delimiter to use when formatting hierarchical paths. This option is only supported by sources that have a notion of related data and relationship types, most notably (and for now only) the CollectiveAccessDataReader.

{"hierarchicalDelimiter: " "}


Display template to format value with prior to import. Placeholder tags may be used to incorporate data into the template. Tags always start with a “^” (caret) character. For column-based import formats like Excel and CSV the column number is used to reference data. For XML formats an XPath expression is used. While templates are tied to the specific source data element being mapped, they can reference any element in the import data set. For example, in an import from an Excel file, the template used while mapping column 2 (tag ^2 in the template) may also use tags for any other column.

There is no requirement that a template include a tag for the column being mapped. The template can reference any element in the current row, without restriction.

     "Column 1: ^1; Column 4: ^4"}


Rewrite source data using a list of Perl compatible regular expressions as supported in the PHP programming language. Each item in the list is an entry with two keys: “match” (the regular expression) and “replaceWith” (a replacement value for matches). “replaceWith” may include numbered back references in the form \n where n is the index of the regular expression parenthetical match group.

“applyWithRegularExpressions” will modify the data value being mapped for both import and comparison. Options that test values, such as “skipIfValue”, will use the modified value unless _useRawValuesWhenTestingExpression_ is set.

   "applyRegularExpressions": [
           "match": "([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)",
            "replaceWith": "\\1:\\2"
           "match": "[^0-9:]+",
           "replaceWith": ""


Text to prepend to value prior to import.

From version 1.8 placeholder tags may be used to incorporate import data into the prefix. In previous versions, only static text was supported.


Text to append to value prior to import.

From version 1.8 placeholder tags may be used to incorporate import data into the suffix. In previous versions, only static text was supported.


Value to use if data source value is empty.


Restricts the the mapping to only records of the designated type. For example the Duration field is only applicable to objects of the type moving_image and not photograph.

{“restrictToTypes”: [“moving_image”, “audio”]}


Remove empty values from values before attempting to import.

When importing repeating values, all values are imported, even blanks. Setting this option filters out any value that is zero-length.


Restricts the mapping to pull only records related with the designated types from the source.

This option is only supported by sources that have a notion of related data and types, most notably (and for now only) the CollectiveAccessDataReader.


Restricts the mapping to pull only records related with the designated relationship types from the source.

This option is only supported by sources that have a notion of related data and relationship types, most notably (and for now only) the CollectiveAccessDataReader.


Skip the mapping If the data value being mapped is empty.

{"skipIfEmpty": 1}


Skip the current data row if the data value being mapped is empty.


Skip all mappings in the current group if the data value being mapped is empty.


Skip the mapping If the data value being mapped is equal to any of the specified values.

Comparisons are case-sensitive.

{“skipIfValue”: [“alpha”, “gamma”]}


Skip the current data row If the data value being mapped is equal to any of the specified values.

Comparisons are case-sensitive.

{“skipRowIfValue”: [“alpha”, “gamma”]}


Skip all mappings in the current group If the data value being mapped is equal to any of the specified values.

Comparisons are case-sensitive.

{“skipGroupIfValue”: [“alpha”, “gamma”]}


Skip the mapping If the data value being mapped is not equal to any of the specified values.

Comparisons are case-sensitive.

{“skipIfNotValue”: [“beta”]}


Skip the current data row If the data value being mapped is not equal to any of the specified values.

Comparisons are case-sensitive.

{“skipRowIfNotValue”: [“beta”]}


Skip all mappings in the current group If the data value being mapped is not equal to any of the specified values.

Comparisons are case-sensitive.

{“skipGroupIfNotValue”: [“beta”]}


Skip mapping if expression evaluates to true. All data in the current row is available for expression evaluation. By default, data is the “raw” source data. To use data rewritten by replacement values and applyRegularExpressions in your expression evaluation, set the _useRawValuesWhenTestingExpression_ to false.

{“skipIfExpression”: “^14 =~ /kitten/”}


Skip data row if expression evaluates to true. Data available during evaluation is subject to the same rules as in _skipIfExpression_.

{“skipRowIfExpression”: “wc(^14) > 10”}


Skip mappings in the current group if expression evaluates to true. Data available during evaluation is subject to the same rules as in _skipIfExpression_.

{“skipGroupIfExpression”: “wc(^14) > 10”}


Skip mapping if data is already present in CollectiveAccess.

Available from version 1.8


Skip mapping if the value does not have a replacement value defined.

Available from version 1.8


Skip mapping when any of the listed placeholder values are empty.

Available from version 1.8

{“skipWhenEmpty”: [“^15”, “^16”, “^17”]}


Skip mapping when all of the listed placeholder values are empty.

Available from version 1.8

{“skipWhenAllEmpty”: [“^15”, “^16”, “^17”]}


Skip group when any of the listed placeholder values are empty.

Available from version 1.8

{“skipGroupWhenEmpty”: [“^15”, “^16”, “^17”]}


Skip group when all of the listed placeholder values are empty.

Available from version 1.8

{“skipGroupWhenAllEmpty”: [“^15”, “^16”, “^17”]}


Skip row when any of the listed placeholder values are empty.

Available from version 1.8

{“skipRowWhenEmpty”: [“^15”, “^16”, “^17”]}


Skip row when all of the listed placeholder values are empty.

Available from version 1.8

{“skipRowWhenAllEmpty”: [“^15”, “^16”, “^17”]}


Determines whether data used during evaluation of expressions in _skipIfExpression_, _skipRowIfExpression_ and similar is raw, unaltered source data or data transformed using replacement values and/or regular expressions defined for the mapping. The default value is true – use unaltered data. Set to false to use transformed data. (Available from version 1.8)

Available from version 1.8

{“useRawValuesWhenTestingExpression”: false}


Defines maximum length of data to import. Data will be truncated to the specified length if the import value exceeds that length.


A relationship type to use when linking to a related record.

The relationship type code is used. This option is only used when directly mapping to a related item without the use of a splitter.


Convert newline characters in text to HTML <BR/> tags prior to import.


Convert multiple spaces to a single space prior to import.


Force repeating values to be imported as a single value concatenated with the specified delimiter.

This can be useful when the value to be used as the record identifier repeats in the source data.


List indicating sequence of checks for an existing record; values of array can be “label” and “idno”. Ex. [“idno”, “label”] will first try to match on idno and then label if the first match fails.

This is only used when directly mapping to a related item without the use of a splitter.


Truncate preferred and non-preferred labels that exceed the maximum length to fit within system length limits.

If not set, an error will occur if overlength labels are imported.


Number of rows ahead of or behind the current row to pull the import value from.

This option allows you to pull values from rows relative to the current row. The value for this option is always an integer indicating the number of rows ahead or (positive) or behind (negative) to jump when obtaining the import value. This setting is effective only for the mapping in which it is set.


Import parent of subject instead of subject.

This option is primarily useful when you are using a hierarchy builder refinery mapped to parent_id to create the entire hierarchy (including subject) and want the bottom-most level of the hierarchy to be the subject rather than the item that is the subject of the import.


Explode import value on delimiter and use the resulting list of values as identifiers for multiple rows.

This option will effectively clone a given row into multiple records, each with an identifier from the exploded list.


Transform label using options for formatting entity display names. Default is to use value as is.

Other options are surnameCommaForename, forenameCommaSurname, forenameSurname. See DataMigrationUtils::splitEntityName().


Path to import directory containing files references for media or file metadata attributes.

This path can be absolute or relative to the configured CollectiveAccess import directory, as defined in the app.conf _batch_media_import_root_directory_ directive.


Determines how file names are compared to the match value.

Valid values are STARTS, ENDS, CONTAINS and EXACT. (Default is EXACT).


Determines whether to search on file names, enclosing directory names or both.



Determines how errors are handled for the mapping. Options are to ignore the error, stop the import when an error is encountered and to receive a prompt when the error is encountered.

Valid values are _ignore_ and _stop_.


Always add values after existing ones even if existing record policy mandates replacement (Eg. merge_on_idno_with_replace, Etc.)

Available from version 1.8


Always replace values, removing existing, ones even if existing record policy does not mandate replacement (Eg. is not merge_on_idno_with_replace, Etc.).

Available from version 1.8


Replace values if specified expression evaluated as true, removing existing, ones even if existing record policy does not mandate replacement (Eg. is not merge_on_idno_with_replace, Etc.).

Available from version 1.8


Force first letter of value to uppercase.

Available from version 1.8


Force value to uppercase.

Available from version 1.8


Force value to lowercase..

Available from version 1.8

Option: applyRegularExpressions

This option allows the user to effectively rewrite messy and problematic source data using Perl compatible regular expressions as supported in the PHP programming language. Let’s say you are mapping duration data to a TimeCode element, and the source data syntax is invalid. See the Regular Expressions page for useful regular expressions.

Invalid timecode format: 7.30.

Should be transformed to valid timecode format: 7:30

The invalid data can be transformed using the applyRegularExpressions option with the proper regular expressions.

   "applyRegularExpressions": [
           "match": "([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)",
            "replaceWith": "\\1:\\2"
           "match": "[^0-9:]+",
           "replaceWith": ""

match: A regular expression applied to source data values. replaceWith: If a match is found, it will be replaced with whatever is contained in “replaceWith”.

In this example, the first regular expression matches <number>.<number> and replaces it with <number>:<number>. In other words, “7.30.” becomes “7:30.”. The [0-9]+ string matches sequences of 1 or more numbers. Since they’re in parenthesis they can be “back referenced” into the replaceWith part using the \1 and \2 placeholders. The second regular expression matches any character that is not a number or a colon (the first one having reformatted any period between numbers as a colon) and replaces it with nothing – removing it in other words. This regular expression takes care of the erroneous period at the end of the invalid data.”7:30.” is transformed into “7:30” - a valid TimeCode input.


The only deviation from the standard regular expressions language are the backslashes. Wherever you would use a single backslash in a regular expression, you need to use two in our mapping because JSON treats backslashes specially and demands that a literal \ be encoded as \\

Option: prefix

With the prefix option, text can be added to prepend to values prior to import. This option can be particularly useful when importing currency values; using this option can prepend a currency symbol that will display upon import.

{"prefix": "$"}

Option: suffix

Using the suffix option allows text to be added to append to values prior to import.

{"suffix": "cm"}''

Option: skipIfEmpty

When set to 1, skipIfEmpty will skip the mapping if the data value being mapped is empty. This option is useful for when data has empty values.

{"skipIfEmpty": 1}


Remember that 1 = yes, and 0 = no. Setting skipIfEmpty to 1 (yes) will ensure that the mapping is skipped if the data value is empty.

skipIfEmpty can be used in conjunction with other Options as well.

{"skipIfEmpty":1, "prefix": "$"}

Transform Values Using Worksheet

Using Original Values and Replacement Values is sufficient for transforming a small range of values. But for large transformation dictionaries, use the option transformValuesUsingWorksheet instead. You can use this option to reference a list of values in a separate worksheet within the mapping document. The formatting of the sheet should place original values in the first column, and replacement values in the second column.

When this option is set, any values in the “original values” and “replacement values” columns of the mapping worksheet are ignored, even if the “transformValuesUsingWorksheet” worksheet is empty or does not exist. You refer to the sheet by name:

{"transformValuesUsingWorksheet":"Worksheet Title"}